my first publication: “Preserving Digital Cultural Heritage: A Call for Participatory Models”

24 Sep

A few months ago at Hack Library School, I wrote a post about my experiences on both sides of the peer-review journal process.  I’m happy to share that a paper I originally wrote for my preservation management class was published in Library Student Journal this month.  If you get a chance, I would love for you to read it and share feedback!

Additionally, I’m slowly writing a paper mentioned previously on historical archivists of color.  Due to time and resource restraints, the paper definitely won’t delve into many of the issues I wanted to look into — but it’s a start to what will hopefully turn into a long-term research project.

I also just returned from the 2nd Annual Joint Conference of Librarians of Color (JCLC) and hope to write up some thoughts on that experience soon.


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